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Cooking Simulator Game Play Online Free

Cooking used to be a must for each housewife. But in our progressive time, when you can easily buy some fast-food snack at every corner or order a wholesome, nutritious meal in a restaurant, we don’t get to cook that much. We just don’t realize how much fun and pleasure it can be! Cooking Simulator will tell you everything about preparing food and show you around a virtual kitchen where you are going to make your first clumsy steps in the uneasy occupation of a restaurant chef!

You are about to take on the role of a gifted cook who works in a restaurant. And just like you would expect, it’s highly stressful and sometimes downright unbearable. Orders flow in one by one, you are always in a hurry and occasionally put wrong ingredients into salads, soups and desserts. When you figure that out, you have to redo the whole thing. And while you’re busy with it, you totally forget that you have a steak on the pan and it burns up. What a bummer! You go nuts. Luckily, you can give vent to your frustration by crushing everything in the kitchen. Of course, the restaurant manager can penalize for that, but after all, it’s just a game.

Just like in the real kitchen

The action unfolds from the first person perspective, so it’s much like cooking in a real kitchen, at home. Your task is to prepare different meals from the menu, starting from the easiest ones that you make every day for breakfast to the most exquisite and complicated recipes from all corners of the world. You can also experiment with ingredients creating your own dishes – but there is no guarantee the customers will like them. Well, trying is no dying!

There are all possible products and kitchen utensils at your disposal. In the fridge and cupboard you will find all kinds of vegetables, fruit, cereals, dairy, meat and fish. Make sure to refill your supplies on time, it can be pretty disappointing to run out of the necessary components just seconds before the dish must be served. The kitchen is also equipped with everything you need to cope with your tough job. Knives of different sizes, bowls and pots of different diameters, frying pans to cook various kinds of food, as well as modern equipment such as blenders, mixers, ovens – all that will simplify your task to a great degree. On the other hand, you need to know how to use all those things correctly. Don’t worry, the game will teach you everything in no time.

Virtual cooking won’t cut you any slack!

The whole process is highly detailed and maximally realistic. You have to measure the ingredients correctly, cut them pushing your finger with the right intensity, move it over the screen to mix and stir, turn on the fire to the needed degree and keep an eye on the clock not to serve a raw or overcooked dish. Cooking Simulator is a perfect way to get the hang of all those tricky manipulations like slicing, chopping, grating, pounding, creaming and so on. The visuals are also very lifelike, the food looks appetizing enough to eat it right off the screen. Don’t try it, though, better go to the kitchen and repeat what you just learn in the game there!

Aside from handling your daily cooking routines, you can entertain yourself with a range of other activities. If you feel bored, you can try building the highest plate tower possible and watch it crash down with a bang. Or practice knife throwing using one of the boards as a target. Or put fire to the storage room and then grab an extinguisher from the wall to put it down. This will allow you to take a break from the exhausting learning process and keep going with new zest. Play Cooking Simulator online, learn new recipes with fun and use your new skills in your own kitchen to surprise everyone with a tasty meal!